Student Information System Project
Dear Students, Today in C++ Programming Tutorial we will learn How to make a a simple c++ project Student Information System Using Linked list. It is a simple example of a complete system with the functionality of add record, search record, Update record and delete record using linked list. Previously we shared Student Management System Project in C++. If You understand basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) functionality it would be easy for You to create any Management System using this functionality.![]() |
Student Information System C++ Project Using Linked List |
Concepts used in C++ Project
Student Information System Project uses the concept of following topics:- Pointers
- Loops
- Functions
- Linked List
- If Else
Major Functions in C++ Project
Student Information System C++ Project has 5 major function in menu- Add New record
- Search a record
- Modify a record
- Delete a record
- Exit
How it Works
The menu is handled by if else statement. While adding a new record, if any node already exist then new node is connected with it otherwise a new node is created. While searching a node, a pointer searches all the pointers of linked lists to match the required data from start to end. While Modification the data part of the linked list is overwritten with new data and in case of Deletion, the pointers before and after of the node which we need to delete are connected with each other.Recommended : DevC++ Installation and Usage Complete Guidelines
Student Information System Project Source Code
Please Note : Source Code has been tested on code Blocks C++ compiler.
#include<conio.h> #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<Windows.h> #include<dos.h> #include<cctype> #include<sstream> #include<string> using namespace std; bool check = true; struct node //structure of node // { char name[20]; char discipline[20]; int rollNo; char section; node *next; }*head,*lastptr; void add() //Adds record of student// { node *p; p=new node; cout<<"Enter name of student:"<<endl; gets(p->name); fflush(stdin); cout<<"Enter discipline of student:"<<endl; gets(p->discipline); fflush(stdin); cout<<"Enter Roll Number of student:"<<endl; cin>>p->rollNo; fflush(stdin); cout<<"Enter section of student:"<<endl; cin>>p->section; fflush(stdin); p->next=NULL; if(check) { head = p; lastptr = p; check = false; } else { lastptr->next=p; lastptr=p; } cout<<endl<<"Recored Entered"; getch(); } void modify() //modifies record of student// { node *ptr; node *prev=NULL; node *current=NULL; int roll_no; cout<<"Enter Roll Number to search:"<<endl; cin>>roll_no; prev=head; current=head; while(current->rollNo!=roll_no) { prev=current; current=current->next; } ptr=new node; fflush(stdin); cout<<"Enter name of student:"<<endl; gets(ptr->name); fflush(stdin); cout<<"Enter discipline of student:"<<endl; gets(ptr->discipline); fflush(stdin); cout<<"Enter Roll Number of student:"<<endl; cin>>ptr->rollNo; fflush(stdin); cout<<"Enter section of student:"<<endl; cin>>ptr->section; fflush(stdin); prev->next=ptr; ptr->next=current->next; current->next=NULL; delete current; cout<<endl<<"Recored Modified"; getch(); } void search() //searches record of student// { node *prev=NULL; node *current=NULL; int roll_no; cout<<"Enter Roll Number to search:"<<endl; cin>>roll_no; prev=head; current=head; while(current->rollNo!=roll_no) { prev=current; current=current->next; } cout<<"\nname: "; puts(current->name); cout<<"\nRoll No:"; cout<<current->rollNo; cout<<"\nDiscipline:"; puts(current->discipline); cout<<"\nSection:"; cout<<current->section; getch(); } void del() //deletes record of a student// { node *ptr=NULL; node *prev=NULL; node *current=NULL; int roll_no; cout<<"Enter Roll Number to Delete:"<<endl; cin>>roll_no; prev=head; current=head; while(current->rollNo!=roll_no) { prev=current; current=current->next; } prev->next = current->next; current->next=NULL; delete current; cout<<endl<<"Recored Deleted"; getch(); } int main() { char x; cout<<"\t\t ********************************* \t\t\t"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t ****STUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM**** \t\t\t"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t ********************************* \t\t\t"<<endl; cout<<"…………………………………….."<<endl; cout<<"…………………"<<endl; cout<<"……………………………………………………."<<endl; cout<<"\n\nPress Any Key To Continue . . . ."<<endl; getch(); do { system("cls"); cout<<"1--->Press '1' to add New record:"<<endl; cout<<"2--->Press '2' to search a record:"<<endl; cout<<"3--->Press '3' to modify a record:"<<endl; cout<<"4--->Press '4' to delete a record:"<<endl; cout<<"5--->Press '5' to exit:"<<endl; x=getch(); if(x=='1') { system("cls"); add(); } else if(x=='2') { system("cls"); search(); } else if(x=='3') { system("cls"); modify(); } else if(x=='4') { system("cls"); del(); } else if(x=='5') { exit(0); } else { } }while(x != 27); getch(); }
Student Information System Project Output
Student Information System C++ Project Menu |
Student Information System C++ Project Output |
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