Payroll management system Project in C++
Dear Students, Today in C++ Programming Tutorial we will learn How to make a Payroll management system C++ project for CS201 Students. Previously we shared Simple School Management C++ Project. Payroll management system project in C++ is a console application with the use of Object Oriented Programming with graphics. The project has multiple classes and sub-classes with many features within them.![]() |
Payroll management system C++ project Source code |
Payroll management system Basic operation
Basic operations users can perform via this C++ project that are based on file handling are:
- Adding new employee record
- modifying employee record
- deleting record
- displaying one or all employee’s record
Moreover, payroll management system also allows users to print the salary slip for a particular employee. This project is large, complete and we tried our best to make it error-free. The source code is very long – over 1500 lines and developed in Code Blocks compiler.
Concepts used in C++ project
It uses the concept of following c/c++ topics:- Pointers
- Loops
- Functions
- If Else
- Switch
- Classes
- File handling
- C++ Graphics
- Function overriding and overloading
- composition
Payroll management system project Features:
Here are the features of Payroll management System C++ Project:- Addition of New Employee
- Modify Employee Record
- Delete Employee Record
- Print Employee Salary Slip
- Display Employee Record
- Display List of Employees
This feature is under the public functions of class employee. The information handled in this feature are employee code number, name, address, phone number, joining date (day, month and year), designation, grade and loan.
2 - Modify Employee Record:
This System in C++ asks for employee code from the user for this function to work. Modifications that can be made are the employee code number itself, joining date (day, month and year), name, address, phone number, designation, grade, house allowance and loan given to the employee. Employee’s grades are categorized as A, B, C, D and E.
3 - Delete Employee Record:
Deletion is done of an employee record from Payroll management system project by entering the employee code. A confirmation message is asked stating whether the user really wants to delete the record from the file.
4 - Print Employee Salary Slip:
This feature too asks for the employee code; the employee code has been used to unlock or perform operations in many features of this payroll management system project in C++. This function lists all the months of the year, and asks for date, employee name, designation and grade from the user. To print the salary slip, the user further needs to provide information such as number of days worked in the month by the employee and the number of hours worked over time. The slip enlists basic salary, allowance, deductions and net salary of the employee.
5 - Display Employee Record:
Providing the employee code number, users can access all the provided information related to a particular employee via this function. The employee record information displayed are the ones provided while adding a new employee record.
6 - Display List of Employees:
This feature displays the record of all employees added in file. The records are displayed in a tabular pattern containing information such as code name of the employee, phone number, date of joining, designation, grade and salary.
Payroll management system C++ project Source Code
#include<Windows.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <process.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <conio.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <dos.h> using namespace std; void gotoxy(int x, int y) { COORD c = { x, y }; SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), c); } class LINES { public: void LINE_HOR(int, int, int, char); void LINE_VER(int, int, int, char); void BOX(int, int, int, int, char); void CLEARUP(void); void CLEARDOWN(void); }; class MENU { public: void MAIN_MENU(void); private: void EDIT_MENU(void); void INTRODUCTION(void); }; class EMPLOYEE { public: void NEW_EMPLOYEE(void); void MODIFICATION(void); void DELETION(void); void DISPLAY(void); void LIST(void); void SALARY_SLIP(void); private: void ADD_RECORD(int, char[], char[], char[], int, int, int, char[], char, char, char, float, float); void MODIFY_RECORD(int, char[], char[], char[], char[], char, char, char, float, float); void DELETE_RECORD(int); int LASTCODE(void); int CODEFOUND(int); int RECORDNO(int); int FOUND_CODE(int); void DISPLAY_RECORD(int); int VALID_DATE(int, int, int); int code, dd, mm, yy; char name[26], address[31], phone[10], desig[16]; char grade, house, convense; float loan, basic; }; void MENU::MAIN_MENU(void) { char ch; LINES L; L.CLEARUP(); while (1) { system("cls"); gotoxy(14, 3); cout << " C++ Project for Payroll Management System"; L.BOX(25, 7, 57, 9, 218); L.BOX(10, 5, 71, 21, 218); L.BOX(11, 6, 70, 20, 219); gotoxy(29, 8); cout << "PAYROLL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM"; gotoxy(30, 11); cout << "1: NEW EMPLOYEE"; gotoxy(30, 12); cout << "2: DISPLAY EMPLOYEE"; gotoxy(30, 13); cout << "3: LIST OF EMPLOYEES"; gotoxy(30, 14); cout << "4: SALARY SLIP"; gotoxy(30, 15); cout << "5: EDIT"; gotoxy(30, 16); cout << "0: QUIT"; gotoxy(30, 18); cout << "ENTER YOUR CHOICE :"; gotoxy(5, 23); ch = _getch(); if (ch == 27 || ch == '0') break; else if (ch == '1') { EMPLOYEE E; E.NEW_EMPLOYEE(); } else if (ch == '2') { EMPLOYEE E; E.DISPLAY(); } else if (ch == '3') { EMPLOYEE E; E.LIST(); } else if (ch == '4') { EMPLOYEE E; E.SALARY_SLIP(); } else if (ch == '5') EDIT_MENU(); } L.CLEARUP(); } void MENU::EDIT_MENU(void) { char ch; LINES L; L.CLEARDOWN(); while (1) { system("cls"); L.BOX(28, 8, 49, 10, 218); L.BOX(10, 5, 71, 21, 218); L.BOX(11, 6, 70, 20, 219); gotoxy(31, 9); cout << "E D I T M E N U"; gotoxy(30, 13); cout << "1: DELETE RECORD"; gotoxy(30, 14); cout << "2: MODIFY RECORD"; gotoxy(30, 15); cout << "0: EXIT"; gotoxy(30, 17); cout << "ENTER YOUR CHOICE :"; ch = _getch(); if (ch == 27 || ch == '0') break; else if (ch == '1') { EMPLOYEE E; E.DELETION(); } else if (ch == '2') { EMPLOYEE E; E.MODIFICATION(); } } L.CLEARDOWN(); } void LINES::LINE_HOR(int column1, int column2, int row, char c) { for (column1; column1 <= column2; column1++) { gotoxy(column1, row); cout << c; } } void LINES::LINE_VER(int row1, int row2, int column, char c) { for (row1; row1 <= row2; row1++) { gotoxy(column, row1); cout << c; } } void LINES::BOX(int column1, int row1, int column2, int row2, char c) { char ch = 218; char c1, c2, c3, c4; char l1 = 196, l2 = 179; if (c == ch) { c1 = 218; c2 = 191; c3 = 192; c4 = 217; l1 = 196; l2 = 179; } else { c1 = c; c2 = c; c3 = c; c4 = c; l1 = c; l2 = c; } gotoxy(column1, row1); cout << c1; gotoxy(column2, row1); cout << c2; gotoxy(column1, row2); cout << c3; gotoxy(column2, row2); cout << c4; column1++; column2--; LINE_HOR(column1, column2, row1, l1); LINE_HOR(column1, column2, row2, l1); column1--; column2++; row1++; row2--; LINE_VER(row1, row2, column1, l2); LINE_VER(row1, row2, column2, l2); } //********************************************************** // THIS FUNCTION CLEAR THE SCREEN LINE BY LINE UPWARD //********************************************************** void LINES::CLEARUP(void) { for (int i = 25; i >= 1; i--) { sleep(20); gotoxy(1, i); clreol(); } } void LINES::CLEARDOWN(void) { for (int i = 1; i <= 25; i++) { delay(20); gotoxy(1, i); clreol(); } } //********************************************************** // THIS FUNCTION ADDS THE GIVEN DATA IN THE EMPLOYEE'S FILE //********************************************************** void EMPLOYEE::ADD_RECORD(int ecode, char ename[26], char eaddress[31], char ephone[10], int d, int m, int y, char edesig[16], char egrade, char ehouse, char econv, float eloan, float ebasic) { fstream file;"EMPLOYEE.DAT"); code = ecode; strcpy(name, ename); strcpy(address, eaddress); strcpy(phone, ephone); dd = d; mm = m; yy = y; strcpy(desig, edesig); grade = egrade; house = ehouse; convense = econv; loan = eloan; basic = ebasic; file.write((char *) this, sizeof(EMPLOYEE)); file.close(); } //********************************************************** // THIS FUNCTION MODIFY THE GIVEN DATA IN THE // EMPLOYEE'S FILE //********************************************************** void EMPLOYEE::MODIFY_RECORD(int ecode, char ename[26], char eaddress[31], char ephone[10], char edesig[16], char egrade, char ehouse, char econv, float eloan, float ebasic) { int recno; recno = RECORDNO(ecode); fstream file;"EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::out | ios::ate); strcpy(name, ename); strcpy(address, eaddress); strcpy(phone, ephone); strcpy(desig, edesig); grade = egrade; house = ehouse; convense = econv; loan = eloan; basic = ebasic; int location; location = (recno - 1) * sizeof(EMPLOYEE); file.seekp(location); file.write((char *) this, sizeof(EMPLOYEE)); file.close(); } //********************************************************** // THIS FUNCTION DELETE THE RECORD IN THE EMPLOYEE FILE // FOR THE GIVEN EMPLOYEE CODE //********************************************************** void EMPLOYEE::DELETE_RECORD(int ecode) { fstream file;"EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::in); fstream temp;"temp.dat", ios::out); file.seekg(0, ios::beg); while (!file.eof()) { *) this, sizeof(EMPLOYEE)); if (file.eof()) break; if (code != ecode) temp.write((char *) this, sizeof(EMPLOYEE)); } file.close(); temp.close();"EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::out);"temp.dat", ios::in); temp.seekg(0, ios::beg); while (!temp.eof()) { *) this, sizeof(EMPLOYEE)); if (temp.eof()) break; file.write((char *) this, sizeof(EMPLOYEE)); } file.close(); temp.close(); } //********************************************************** // THIS FUNCTION RETURNS THE LAST EMPLOYEE'S CODE //********************************************************** int EMPLOYEE::LASTCODE(void) { fstream file;"EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::in); file.seekg(0, ios::beg); int count = 0; while ( *) this, sizeof(EMPLOYEE))) count = code; file.close(); return count; } //********************************************************** // THIS FUNCTION RETURNS 0 IF THE GIVEN CODE NOT FOUND //********************************************************** int EMPLOYEE::FOUND_CODE(int ecode) { fstream file;"EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::in); file.seekg(0, ios::beg); int found = 0; while ( *) this, sizeof(EMPLOYEE))) { if (code == ecode) { found = 1; break; } } file.close(); return found; } //********************************************************** // THIS FUNCTION RETURNS RECORD NO. OF THE GIVEN CODE //********************************************************** int EMPLOYEE::RECORDNO(int ecode) { fstream file;"EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::in); file.seekg(0, ios::beg); int recno = 0; while ( *) this, sizeof(EMPLOYEE))) { recno++; if (code == ecode) break; } file.close(); return recno; } //********************************************************** // THIS FUNCTION DISPLAYS THE LIST OF THE EMPLOYEES //********************************************************** void EMPLOYEE::LIST(void) { system("cls"); int row = 6, found = 0, flag = 0; char ch; gotoxy(31, 2); cout << "LIST OF EMPLOYEES"; gotoxy(30, 3); cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; gotoxy(1, 4); cout << "CODE NAME PHONE DOJ DESIGNATION GRADE SALARY"; gotoxy(1, 5); cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; fstream file;"EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::in); file.seekg(0, ios::beg); while ( *) this, sizeof(EMPLOYEE))) { flag = 0; delay(20); found = 1; gotoxy(2, row); cout << code; gotoxy(6, row); cout << name; gotoxy(31, row); cout << phone; gotoxy(40, row); cout << dd << "/" << mm << "/" << yy; gotoxy(52, row); cout << desig; gotoxy(69, row); cout << grade; if (grade != 'E') { gotoxy(74, row); cout << basic; } else { gotoxy(76, row); cout << "-"; } if (row == 23) { flag = 1; row = 6; gotoxy(1, 25); cout << "Press any key to continue or Press <ESC> to exit"; ch = getch(); if (ch == 27) break; system("cls"); gotoxy(31, 2); cout << "LIST OF EMPLOYEES"; gotoxy(30, 3); cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; gotoxy(1, 4); cout << "CODE NAME PHONE DOJ DESIGNATION GRADE SALARY"; gotoxy(1, 5); cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; } else row++; } if (!found) { gotoxy(5, 10); cout << "\7Records not found"; } if (!flag) { gotoxy(1, 25); cout << "Press any key to continue..."; getche(); } file.close(); } //********************************************************** // THIS FUNCTION DISPLAYS THE RECORD OF THE EMPLOYEES //********************************************************** void EMPLOYEE::DISPLAY_RECORD(int ecode) { fstream file;"EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::in); file.seekg(0, ios::beg); while ( *) this, sizeof(EMPLOYEE))) { if (code == ecode) { gotoxy(5, 5); cout << "Employee Code # " << code; gotoxy(5, 6); cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; gotoxy(5, 7); cout << "Name : " << name; gotoxy(5, 8); cout << "Address : " << address; gotoxy(5, 9); cout << "Phone no. : " << phone; gotoxy(5, 11); cout << "JOINING DATE"; gotoxy(5, 12); cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~"; gotoxy(5, 13); cout << "Day : " << dd; gotoxy(5, 14); cout << "Month : " << mm; gotoxy(5, 15); cout << "Year : " << yy; gotoxy(5, 17); cout << "Designation : " << desig; gotoxy(5, 18); cout << "Grade : " << grade; if (grade != 'E') { gotoxy(5, 19); cout << "House (y/n) : " << house; gotoxy(5, 20); cout << "Convense (y/n) : " << convense; gotoxy(5, 22); cout << "Basic Salary : " << basic; } gotoxy(5, 21); cout << "Loan : " << loan; } } file.close(); } //********************************************************** // THIS FUNCTION GIVE DATA TO ADD IN THE FILE //********************************************************** void EMPLOYEE::NEW_EMPLOYEE(void) { system("cls"); char ch, egrade, ehouse = 'N', econv = 'N'; char ename[26], eaddress[31], ephone[10], edesig[16], t1[10]; float t2 = 0.0, eloan = 0.0, ebasic = 0.0; int d, m, y, ecode, valid; gotoxy(72, 2); cout << "<0>=EXIT"; gotoxy(28, 3); cout << "ADDITION OF NEW EMPLOYEE"; gotoxy(5, 5); cout << "Employee Code # "; gotoxy(5, 6); cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; gotoxy(5, 7); cout << "Name : "; gotoxy(5, 8); cout << "Address : "; gotoxy(5, 9); cout << "Phone no. : "; gotoxy(5, 11); cout << "JOINING DATE"; gotoxy(5, 12); cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~"; gotoxy(5, 13); cout << "Day : "; gotoxy(5, 14); cout << "Month : "; gotoxy(5, 15); cout << "Year : "; gotoxy(5, 17); cout << "Designation : "; gotoxy(5, 18); cout << "Grade : "; gotoxy(5, 21); cout << "Loan : "; ecode = LASTCODE() + 1; if (ecode == 1) { ADD_RECORD(ecode, "null", "null", "null", 0, 0, 0, "null", 'n', 'n', 'n', 0.0, 0.0); DELETE_RECORD(ecode); } gotoxy(21, 5); cout << ecode; do { valid = 1; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "Enter the name of the Employee"; gotoxy(20, 7); clreol(); gets(ename); strupr(ename); if (ename[0] == '0') return; if (strlen(ename) < 1 || strlen(ename) > 25) { valid = 0; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "\7Enter correctly (Range: 1..25)"; getch(); } } while (!valid); do { valid = 1; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "Enter Address of the Employee"; gotoxy(20, 8); clreol(); gets(eaddress); strupr(eaddress); if (eaddress[0] == '0') return; if (strlen(eaddress) < 1 || strlen(eaddress) > 30) { valid = 0; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "\7Enter correctly (Range: 1..30)"; getch(); } } while (!valid); do { valid = 1; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "Enter Phone no. of the Employee or Press <ENTER> for none"; gotoxy(20, 9); clreol(); gets(ephone); if (ephone[0] == '0') return; if ((strlen(ephone) < 7 && strlen(ephone) > 0) || (strlen(ephone) > 9)) { valid = 0; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "\7Enter correctly"; getch(); } } while (!valid); if (strlen(ephone) == 0) strcpy(ephone, "-"); char tday[3], tmonth[3], tyear[5]; int td; do { valid = 1; do { gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "ENTER DAY OF JOINING"; gotoxy(13, 13); clreol(); gets(tday); td = atoi(tday); d = td; if (tday[0] == '0') return; } while (d == 0); do { gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "ENTER MONTH OF JOINING"; gotoxy(13, 14); clreol(); gets(tmonth); td = atoi(tmonth); m = td; if (tmonth[0] == '0') return; } while (m == 0); do { gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "ENTER YEAR OF JOINING"; gotoxy(13, 15); clreol(); gets(tyear); td = atoi(tyear); y = td; if (tyear[0] == '0') return; } while (y == 0); if (d>31 || d<1) valid = 0; else if (((y % 4) != 0 && m == 2 && d>28) || ((y % 4) == 0 && m == 2 && d>29)) valid = 0; else if ((m == 4 || m == 6 || m == 9 || m == 11) && d>30) valid = 0; else if (y<1990 || y>2020) valid = 0; if (!valid) { valid = 0; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "\7Enter correctly"; getch(); gotoxy(13, 14); clreol(); gotoxy(13, 15); clreol(); } } while (!valid); do { valid = 1; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "Enter Designation of the Employee"; gotoxy(20, 17); clreol(); gets(edesig); strupr(edesig); if (edesig[0] == '0') return; if (strlen(edesig) < 1 || strlen(edesig) > 15) { valid = 0; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "\7Enter correctly (Range: 1..15)"; getch(); } } while (!valid); do { gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "Enter Grade of the Employee (A,B,C,D,E)"; gotoxy(20, 18); clreol(); egrade = getche(); egrade = toupper(egrade); if (egrade == '0') return; } while (egrade < 'A' || egrade > 'E'); if (egrade != 'E') { gotoxy(5, 19); cout << "House (y/n) : "; gotoxy(5, 20); cout << "Convense (y/n) : "; gotoxy(5, 22); cout << "Basic Salary : "; do { gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "ENTER IF HOUSE ALLOWANCE IS ALLOTED TO EMPLOYEE OR NOT"; gotoxy(22, 19); clreol(); ehouse = getche(); ehouse = toupper(ehouse); if (ehouse == '0') return; } while (ehouse != 'Y' && ehouse != 'N'); do { gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "ENTER IF CONVENCE ALLOWANCE IS ALLOTED TO EMPLOYEE OR NOT"; gotoxy(22, 20); clreol(); econv = getche(); econv = toupper(econv); if (econv == '0') return; } while (econv != 'Y' && econv != 'N'); } do { valid = 1; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "ENTER LOAN AMOUNT IF ISSUED"; gotoxy(22, 21); clreol(); gets(t1); t2 = atof(t1); eloan = t2; if (eloan > 50000) { valid = 0; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "\7SHOULD NOT GREATER THAN 50000"; getch(); } } while (!valid); if (egrade != 'E') { do { valid = 1; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "ENTER BASIC SALARY OF THE EMPLOYEE"; gotoxy(22, 22); clreol(); gets(t1); t2 = atof(t1); ebasic = t2; if (t1[0] == '0') return; if (ebasic > 50000) { valid = 0; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "\7SHOULD NOT GREATER THAN 50000"; getch(); } } while (!valid); } gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); do { gotoxy(5, 24); clreol(); cout << "Do you want to save (y/n) "; ch = getche(); ch = toupper(ch); if (ch == '0') return; } while (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N'); if (ch == 'N') return; ADD_RECORD(ecode, ename, eaddress, ephone, d, m, y, edesig, egrade, ehouse, econv, eloan, ebasic); } //********************************************************** // THIS FUNCTION GIVE CODE FOR THE DISPLAY OF THE RECORD //********************************************************** void EMPLOYEE::DISPLAY(void) { system("cls"); char t1[10]; int t2, ecode; gotoxy(72, 2); cout << "<0>=EXIT"; gotoxy(5, 5); cout << "Enter code of the Employee "; gets(t1); t2 = atoi(t1); ecode = t2; if (ecode == 0) return; system("cls"); if (!FOUND_CODE(ecode)) { gotoxy(5, 5); cout << "\7Record not found"; getch(); return; } DISPLAY_RECORD(ecode); gotoxy(5, 25); cout << "Press any key to continue..."; getch(); } //********************************************************** // THIS FUNCTION GIVE DATA FOR THE MODIFICATION OF THE // EMPLOYEE RECORD //********************************************************** void EMPLOYEE::MODIFICATION(void) { system("cls"); char ch, egrade, ehouse = 'N', econv = 'N'; char ename[26], eaddress[31], ephone[10], edesig[16], t1[10]; float t2 = 0.0, eloan = 0.0, ebasic = 0.0; int ecode, valid; gotoxy(72, 2); cout << "<0>=EXIT"; gotoxy(5, 5); cout << "Enter code of the Employee "; gets(t1); t2 = atoi(t1); ecode = t2; if (ecode == 0) return; system("cls"); if (!FOUND_CODE(ecode)) { gotoxy(5, 5); cout << "\7Record not found"; getch(); return; } gotoxy(72, 2); cout << "<0>=EXIT"; gotoxy(22, 3); cout << "MODIFICATION OF THE EMPLOYEE RECORD"; DISPLAY_RECORD(ecode); do { gotoxy(5, 24); clreol(); cout << "Do you want to modify this record (y/n) "; ch = getche(); ch = toupper(ch); if (ch == '0') return; } while (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N'); if (ch == 'N') return; system("cls"); fstream file;"EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::in); file.seekg(0, ios::beg); while ( *) this, sizeof(EMPLOYEE))) { if (code == ecode) break; } file.close(); gotoxy(5, 5); cout << "Employee Code # " << ecode; gotoxy(5, 6); cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; gotoxy(40, 5); cout << "JOINING DATE : "; gotoxy(40, 6); cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; gotoxy(55, 5); cout << dd << "/" << mm << "/" << yy; gotoxy(5, 7); cout << "Name : "; gotoxy(5, 8); cout << "Address : "; gotoxy(5, 9); cout << "Phone no. : "; gotoxy(5, 10); cout << "Designation : "; gotoxy(5, 11); cout << "Grade : "; gotoxy(5, 14); cout << "Loan : "; do { valid = 1; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "Enter the name of the Employee or <ENTER> FOR NO CHANGE"; gotoxy(20, 7); clreol(); gets(ename); strupr(ename); if (ename[0] == '0') return; if (strlen(ename) > 25) { valid = 0; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "\7Enter correctly (Range: 1..25)"; getch(); } } while (!valid); if (strlen(ename) == 0) { strcpy(ename, name); gotoxy(20, 7); cout << ename; } do { valid = 1; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "Enter Address of the Employee or <ENTER> FOR NO CHANGE"; gotoxy(20, 8); clreol(); gets(eaddress); strupr(eaddress); if (eaddress[0] == '0') return; if (strlen(eaddress) > 30) { valid = 0; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "\7Enter correctly (Range: 1..30)"; getch(); } } while (!valid); if (strlen(eaddress) == 0) { strcpy(eaddress, address); gotoxy(20, 8); cout << eaddress; } do { valid = 1; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "Enter Phone no. of the Employee or or <ENTER> FOR NO CHANGE"; gotoxy(20, 9); clreol(); gets(ephone); if (ephone[0] == '0') return; if ((strlen(ephone) < 7 && strlen(ephone) > 0) || (strlen(ephone) > 9)) { valid = 0; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "\7Enter correctly"; getch(); } } while (!valid); if (strlen(ephone) == 0) { strcpy(ephone, phone); gotoxy(20, 9); cout << ephone; } do { valid = 1; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "Enter Designation of the Employee or <ENTER> FOR NO CHANGE"; gotoxy(20, 10); clreol(); gets(edesig); strupr(edesig); if (edesig[0] == '0') return; if (strlen(edesig) > 15) { valid = 0; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "\7Enter correctly (Range: 1..15)"; getch(); } } while (!valid); if (strlen(edesig) == 0) { strcpy(edesig, desig); gotoxy(20, 10); cout << edesig; } do { gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "Enter Grade of the Employee (A,B,C,D,E) or <ENTER> FOR NO CHANGE"; gotoxy(20, 11); clreol(); egrade = getche(); egrade = toupper(egrade); if (egrade == '0') return; if (egrade == 13) { egrade = grade; gotoxy(20, 11); cout << grade; } } while (egrade < 'A' || egrade > 'E'); if (egrade != 'E') { gotoxy(5, 12); cout << "House (y/n) : "; gotoxy(5, 13); cout << "Convense (y/n) : "; gotoxy(5, 15); cout << "Basic Salary : "; do { gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "ALLOTED HOUSE ALLOWANCE ? or <ENTER> FOR NO CHANGE"; gotoxy(22, 12); clreol(); ehouse = getche(); ehouse = toupper(ehouse); if (ehouse == '0') return; if (ehouse == 13) { ehouse = house; gotoxy(22, 12); cout << ehouse; } } while (ehouse != 'Y' && ehouse != 'N'); do { gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "ALLOTED CONVENCE ALLOWANCE or <ENTER> FOR NO CHANGE"; gotoxy(22, 13); clreol(); econv = getche(); econv = toupper(econv); if (econv == '0') return; if (econv == 13) { econv = convense; gotoxy(22, 13); cout << econv; } } while (econv != 'Y' && econv != 'N'); } do { valid = 1; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "ENTER LOAN AMOUNT or <ENTER> FOR NO CHANGE"; gotoxy(22, 14); clreol(); gets(t1); t2 = atof(t1); eloan = t2; if (eloan > 50000) { valid = 0; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "\7SHOULD NOT GREATER THAN 50000"; getch(); } } while (!valid); if (strlen(t1) == 0) { eloan = loan; gotoxy(22, 14); cout << eloan; } if (egrade != 'E') { do { valid = 1; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "ENTER BASIC SALARY or <ENTER> FOR NO CHANGE"; gotoxy(22, 15); clreol(); gets(t1); t2 = atof(t1); ebasic = t2; if (t1[0] == '0') return; if (ebasic > 50000) { valid = 0; gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); cout << "\7SHOULD NOT GREATER THAN 50000"; getch(); } } while (!valid); if (strlen(t1) == 0) { ebasic = basic; gotoxy(22, 15); cout << ebasic; } } gotoxy(5, 25); clreol(); do { gotoxy(5, 18); clreol(); cout << "Do you want to save (y/n) "; ch = getche(); ch = toupper(ch); if (ch == '0') return; } while (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N'); if (ch == 'N') return; MODIFY_RECORD(ecode, ename, eaddress, ephone, edesig, egrade, ehouse, econv, eloan, ebasic); gotoxy(5, 23); cout << "\7Record Modified"; gotoxy(5, 25); cout << "Press any key to continue..."; getch(); } //********************************************************** // THIS FUNCTION GIVE CODE NO. FOR THE DELETION OF THE // EMPLOYEE RECORD //********************************************************** void EMPLOYEE::DELETION(void) { system("cls"); char t1[10], ch; int t2, ecode; gotoxy(72, 2); cout << "<0>=EXIT"; gotoxy(5, 5); cout << "Enter code of the Employee "; gets(t1); t2 = atoi(t1); ecode = t2; if (ecode == 0) return; system("cls"); if (!FOUND_CODE(ecode)) { gotoxy(5, 5); cout << "\7Record not found"; getch(); return; } gotoxy(72, 2); cout << "<0>=EXIT"; gotoxy(24, 3); cout << "DELETION OF THE EMPLOYEE RECORD"; DISPLAY_RECORD(ecode); do { gotoxy(5, 24); clreol(); cout << "Do you want to delete this record (y/n) "; ch = getche(); ch = toupper(ch); if (ch == '0') return; } while (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N'); if (ch == 'N') return; DELETE_RECORD(ecode); LINES L; L.CLEARDOWN(); gotoxy(5, 23); cout << "\7Record Deleted"; gotoxy(5, 25); cout << "Press any key to continue..."; getch(); } //********************************************************** // THIS FUNCTION RETURN 0 IF THE GIVEN DATE IS INVALID //********************************************************** int EMPLOYEE::VALID_DATE(int d1, int m1, int y1) { int valid = 1; if (d1>31 || d1<1) valid = 0; else if (((y1 % 4) != 0 && m1 == 2 && d1>28) || ((y1 % 4) == 0 && m1 == 2 && d1>29)) valid = 0; else if ((m1 == 4 || m1 == 6 || m1 == 9 || m1 == 11) && d1>30) valid = 0; return valid; } //********************************************************** // THIS FUNCTION PRINTS THE SALARY SLIP FOR THE EMPLOYEE //********************************************************** void EMPLOYEE::SALARY_SLIP(void) { system("cls"); char t1[10]; int t2, ecode, valid; gotoxy(72, 2); cout << "<0>=EXIT"; gotoxy(5, 5); cout << "Enter code of the Employee "; gets(t1); t2 = atoi(t1); ecode = t2; if (ecode == 0) return; system("cls"); if (!FOUND_CODE(ecode)) { gotoxy(5, 5); cout << "\7Record not found"; getch(); return; } fstream file;"EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::in); file.seekg(0, ios::beg); while ( *) this, sizeof(EMPLOYEE))) { if (code == ecode) break; } file.close(); int d1, m1, y1; struct date d; getdate(&d); d1 = d.da_day; m1 = d.da_mon; y1 = d.da_year; char *mon[12] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "November", "December" }; LINES L; L.BOX(2, 1, 79, 25, 219); gotoxy(31, 2); cout << "NADEEM AKHTAR, PGDBA - 200754667"; L.LINE_HOR(3, 78, 3, 196); gotoxy(34, 4); cout << "SALARY SLIP"; gotoxy(60, 4); cout << "Date: " << d1 << "/" << m1 << "/" << y1; gotoxy(34, 5); cout << mon[m1 - 1] << ", " << y1; L.LINE_HOR(3, 78, 6, 196); gotoxy(6, 7); cout << "Employee Name : " << name; gotoxy(6, 8); cout << "Designation : " << desig; gotoxy(67, 8); cout << "Grade : " << grade; L.BOX(6, 9, 75, 22, 218); L.LINE_HOR(10, 71, 20, 196); int days, hours; if (grade == 'E') { do { valid = 1; gotoxy(10, 21); cout << "ENTER NO. OF DAYS WORKED IN THE MONTH "; gotoxy(10, 11); cout << "No. of Days : "; gets(t1); t2 = atof(t1); days = t2; if (!VALID_DATE(days, m1, y1)) { valid = 0; gotoxy(10, 21); cout << "\7ENTER CORRECTLY "; getch(); gotoxy(10, 11); cout << " "; } } while (!valid); do { valid = 1; gotoxy(10, 21); cout << "ENTER NO. OF HOURS WORKED OVER TIME "; gotoxy(10, 13); cout << "No. of hours : "; gets(t1); t2 = atof(t1); hours = t2; if (hours > 8 || hours < 0) { valid = 0; gotoxy(10, 21); cout << "\7ENTER CORRECTLY "; getch(); gotoxy(10, 13); cout << " "; } } while (!valid); gotoxy(10, 21); cout << " "; gotoxy(10, 11); cout << " "; gotoxy(10, 13); cout << " "; } gotoxy(10, 10); cout << "Basic Salary : Rs."; gotoxy(10, 12); cout << "ALLOWANCE"; if (grade != 'E') { gotoxy(12, 13); cout << "HRA : Rs."; gotoxy(12, 14); cout << "CA : Rs."; gotoxy(12, 15); cout << "DA : Rs."; } else { gotoxy(12, 13); cout << "OT : Rs."; } gotoxy(10, 17); cout << "DEDUCTIONS"; gotoxy(12, 18); cout << "LD : Rs."; if (grade != 'E') { gotoxy(12, 19); cout << "PF : Rs."; } gotoxy(10, 21); cout << "NET SALARY : Rs."; gotoxy(6, 24); cout << "CASHIER"; gotoxy(68, 24); cout << "EMPLOYEE"; float HRA = 0.0, CA = 0.0, DA = 0.0, PF = 0.0, LD = 0.0, OT = 0.0, allowance, deduction, netsalary; if (grade != 'E') { if (house == 'Y') HRA = (5 * basic) / 100; if (convense == 'Y') CA = (2 * basic) / 100; DA = (5 * basic) / 100; PF = (2 * basic) / 100; LD = (15 * loan) / 100; allowance = HRA + CA + DA; deduction = PF + LD; } else { basic = days * 30; LD = (15 * loan) / 100; OT = hours * 10; allowance = OT; deduction = LD; } netsalary = (basic + allowance) - deduction; gotoxy(36, 10); cout << basic; if (grade != 'E') { gotoxy(22, 13); cout << HRA; gotoxy(22, 14); cout << CA; gotoxy(22, 15); cout << DA; gotoxy(22, 19); cout << PF; } else { gotoxy(22, 13); cout << OT; } gotoxy(22, 18); cout << LD; gotoxy(33, 15); cout << "Rs." << allowance; gotoxy(33, 19); cout << "Rs." << deduction; gotoxy(36, 21); cout << netsalary; gotoxy(2, 1); getch(); } //********************************************************** // MAIN FUNCTION CALLING MAIN MENU //********************************************************** void main(void) { MENU menu; menu.MAIN_MENU(); }
Payroll management system C++ project Output
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Payroll management system C++ project output |
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