ENG201 Solved Final Term MCQs Mega Files
Here we have Collection of ENG201 All latest final term papers and subjective question solved MEGA File. You can download Collection of Solved Final term papers from the links below:ENG201 - Business and Technical English Writing Quiz 1 Fall 2016.docx, 391 KB
Eng201 (1).docx, 12 KB
ENg201 MeGa File By F+A..pdf, 222 KB
ENG201 QUIZ.docx, 12 KB
ENG201.docx, 39 KB
ENG201-Latest Solved Mcqs with ref. (Final term).pdf, 1.5 MB
ENG201midtermsolvedmcqswithreferencesbyMoaaz.pdf, 664 KB
ENG201 Final Term Paper Sample Questions:
Identify each of the following as system software and application software. (mark 5)
System software: - Linux, Disk cleanup, windows.
Application software:- Word Processor, Student information
Write a program which defines three variables of type double which store three different values
including decimal points, using set precision manipulators to print all these values with different
numbers of digits after the decimal number.(5)
int main ()
double x1 = 12345624.72345
double x2 = 987654.12345
double x3 = 1985.23456
cout << setprecision (3) << x1<< endl;
cout << setprecision (4) << x2 << endl;
cout << setprecision (5) << x3<< endl;
return 0;
Define static variable also explain life time of static variable? (3)
Static variable means maintaining the state of a variable. It exists and lives around even when we are
outside the function. It is created and initialized only once during the lifetime of the program and therefore
it will be destroyed or taken out of memory only once during the lifetime of the program.
What do you know about run time error? (3)
Run-Time Errors
• Occur when the program is running and tries to do something that is against the rules
Example: Accessing a non-existent variable, property, method, object, etc (e.g. a method
name is misspelled)
• Sources of these can be determined by a careful reading of the code, but
unfortunately, not always.
What is limitation of the friendship between classes? (3)
Friendship relation between classes is a one way relation that is if one class declare friend another class then
the another class is the friend of first class but not the first class if the friend of another class.
what is the source and destination of cin?(2)
For cin, the source is normally keyboard and the destination can be an ordinary variable i.e. native-data type
Write the general syntax of allocation memory dynamically to an array using new operator? (2)
Answer: Page 332
Following is the syntax:
new data_type [number_of_locations];
What is diffrent between pointer and variable?
normal variable contains tha value of variable either int or float whereas pointer variable contains the
address of another variable
What is difference between Unary and binary operators and how they can be overloaded?
Unary operator takes one argument.
a ++ is an example of unary operator
Binary take two operators
+,-,* are example of binary operators
Overloaded binary operator may return any type
Here is general syntax of overloading
Return-type operator symbol (parameters);
Operator is keyword
How many types of templates?
There are two different types of templates in C++ language i.e.’ function templates and class templates.
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