CS201 Assignment No 01 Solution / Discussion Fall 2016 | Virtual Study Solutions

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CS201 Assignment No 01 Solution/Discussion

Here is complete CS201 Assignment No 01 with Solution & Discussion Due Date:17-11-2016. 

CS201 Assignment Deadline:

The deadline to submit your assignment solution is 17th November, 2016. Your Cs201 assignment must be submitted within the due date through VULMS. No assignment will be accepted through email after the due date.

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CS201 Assignment No 01

ABC University offers admission in three disciplines 1) Computer Science 2) Software Engineering 3) Telecom Engineering. An admission test has already been conducted by the university. The university provides an interface to the interested candidates where they can check their eligibility for the disciplines offered by the university.

Eligibility criteria for the offered programs is:

  • Computer Science (70% marks)
  • Software Engineering (85% marks)
  • Telecom Engineering (80%)
Formula for calculating the eligibility percentage is:

(Admission test marks percentage x 0.20) + (Matric marks percentage x 0.30) + (Intermediate marks percentage x 0.50)

Tags: Cs201, cs201 assignment solution, cs201 Solved assignment, CS201 Assignment 01 Solution, Assignments, assignment solution, VU, Vulms, virtual university Assignments

Your task is to:

Write a c++ program to implement the above mentioned interface for eligibility assessment

Your program should provide the user with options to choose the degree program for admission e.g.

Enter ‘c’ for Computer Science

Enter ‘s’ for Software Engineering

Enter ‘t’ for Telecom Engineering

After taking user’s choice of degree program, the program should ask the user to enter his/her marks percentages of admission test, matric and intermediate results

After that, program should calculate the eligibility percentage according to the provided formula and show the user if he/she is eligible for the selected degree program or not

For the eligible candidates, the program should show the message “Congratulations! You are eligible for the selected program” and for non-eligible candidates the program should show “Sorry! You could not qualify for the selected program”

If the user enters a choice other than ‘c’, ‘s’, or ‘t’, the program should show the following error message: “Invalid input! Enter the correct input option again”

Press any key to continue..

On pressing any key from the keyboard, the program should start again from the beginning

The program should keep showing the same error message until the user enters one of the correct inputs

At the end of the program, the program should ask the user if he/she wants to check eligibility for another degree program. If the user presses y or Y, the program should start again from the beginning, or terminate otherwise.
Sample output:
The sample output is provided in the animated image output.gif

CS201 Assignment No 01 Solution

CS201 (Introduction to Programming) Assignment Solution.
This assignment can be done in different ways but i did it according to the required topics mentioned by the student.
Download Solution of CS201 Assignment No.1 from Link below: 

In some version of Dev C++ compiler, system("cls"); doesn't work. so comment it.
Everyone must need to make changes to avoid by copying issue.
Feel free to ask any question OR query.

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