ENG101 Assignment No 1 Solution Spring 2018 | Virtual Study Solutions

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ENG101 Assignment No 1 Spring 2018

Dear Students, Here you can read or Download ENG101 - English Comprehension Assignment No 1 Solution and Discussion of Semester Spring 2018. Assignment Due Date is 04 MAY, 2018. Total Marks are 20. ENG101 - English Comprehension Assignment Solution has been added. Lectures included in this Assignment are from 1 - 8. We are here to facilitate your learning and we do not appreciate the idea of copying or replicating solutions. Previously we shared ENG101 English Comprehension Short Questions Answers

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ENG101 Assignment No 1 Solution and discussion Spring 2018
ENG101 Assignment No 1 Solution and discussion Spring 2018

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ENG101 Assignment Question No 1

Recall your knowledge of ‘Word Formation Process’ and identify bound morpheme, base word, and parts of speech of the words and write them in the table given below.

=10 Marks

1. Unacceptable

2. Deoduorize

3. Encouragement

4. Monochromatic

5. Loveliness

6. Revitalization

7. Disconnect

8. Musician

9. Antedate

10. Malfunction

ENG101 Assignment Question No 1 Spring 2018
ENG101 Assignment Question No 1 Spring 2018

ENG101 Assignment Question No 2

Read the given article carefully and fill in the table by identifying the correct sequence of the events listed below. Also, suggest a suitable title for the article. (8+2)=10 Marks

Please Note: The first has been done for your guidance.

  1. Ever since heard of the birth of Alexandra, the Mongol baby whose parents wanted her to die. I have hovered between thinking they were right and believing they were wrong. There are many people in this most public of private grief’s that apparently have found it possible to make up their minds. I wish I found it as easy. 
  2. Tests done during pregnancy had not shown that Alexandra was a Mongol. When she was born, it was discovered that she also had an intestinal blockage, which could kill her in days unless it was removed. The baby’s father and mother, who is a dentist –which means she has more medical knowledge than most of us –, said “ No “ to the operation. They felt that the added disability was God or nature’s way out from a life marred by physical and mental handicap. 
  3. Doctors at Queen Charlotte’s Hospital, London, accepted their right to decide. And refused to operate without their permission. But social workers at the hospital decided the parents were wrong. And referred the case to Hammer smith Council. This faceless body turned out to be not so faceless, after all. For its chief adviser in the case was social Services Director David Plank, himself a father s Mongol child who died four years ago, aged two. 
  4. Between them, Mr. Plank and the Council also decided Alexandra’s parents were wrong. And applied to have the baby made a ward of court. But Mr. Justice Eubank in the High Court thought the parents were right. Nature and not medicine, he ruled, should take its course. 
  5. A few hours later, two more judges in the Appeal Court decided the parents were wrong. Alexandra, they announced, must be given the change of life. 
  6. And after that it became a free for – all. The British Medical Association, representing Doctors had no doubt that the parents were right. Doomed babies, they said categorically. Should be allowed to die. Any doctors who refused to carry out an operation on such babies would be given full support. 
  7. This infuriated Life, the anti – abortion fanatic who just had to point out that Alexandra’s parents were wrong. And the organization immediately stepped up a campaign urging nurses to report doctors who deliberately let handicapped babies die. 
  8. The other frightening group. EXIT, who seems to want us all to commit mass suicide when we choose, then got in on the act. 
  9. In their book, Alexandra’s parents were right. Because it is the quality of life that matters. Not life itself. 

Title: ________________________________________

Sr. No.
Correct Sequence
Life organized a campaign
It was discovered that the baby was a Mongol

The High Court decided the parents were right

Alexandra developed an intestinal blockage

EXIT supported the parents

The Appeal Court decided the parents were wrong

The doctors refused to operate

The parents refused to let the doctors operate

Alexandra’s parents were right, because it is the quality of life that matters

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ENG101 Assignment No 1 Solution Spring 2018

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ENG101 Assignment No 1 Solution Sample Preview Spring 2018
ENG101 Assignment No 1 Solution Sample Preview Spring 2018

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  1. Yar BS(Software Engineering)
    K subjects ki assignment or quizzes or GDB's ka solution mujhe mail ker diya karain

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  2. when will be the solution of eng101 first assignment be uploaded ????

  3. plz upload solution of eng101 first assignment

  4. main ne subscribe kia h lkn download nh ho raha assingment

  5. plz send me solution of eng 101 assignmemt solution spring 2018

  6. can u tell me eng101 assissnment solution is 100% correct should i copy the answer and submitted it.help me

    1. We are here to facilitate your learning and we do not appreciate the idea of copying or replicating solutions.

    2. IF You Find any mistakes - Let us know !! Thanks

    3. no. 8 : The parents refused to let the doctor operate. Answer is 2. Not 3. Please check again.

    4. what would be the first point? As specified points start from 2

  7. title is not available in solution idea... where is title???

  8. who are you jahanzaib ahmad , and why you provide these solutions to us , bcz university says , do your own , d'nt copy paste , some students are mad
    i ask you only for general knowledge about u , not for personal problem
    and one question more
    that what you studied , and what is your current post
    adnan rajput
    a virtual student
    i appreciate your job

  9. Sir I cannot find download link. Pls help

    1. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1enJRtNgv9PphJXbgfjRXTIEs3w1S8N-3

  10. Assalam-o-Alaikum Sir!
    I need a solution for ENG001 first assignment plz send me...

  11. The title can be " Rule of nature cannot be changed". ��

  12. The title can be " Rule of nature cannot be change".


