CS411 Assignment No 1 Solution Spring 2018 | Virtual Study Solutions

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CS411 Assignment No 1 Spring 2018

Dear Students, Here you can read or Download CS411 - Visual Programming Assignment No 1 Solution and Discussion of Semester Spring 2018. Assignment Due Date is 09 MAY, 2018. Total Marks are 20. We are here to facilitate your learning and we do not appreciate the idea of copying or replicating solutions. CS411 Assignment Solution File has been added. Previously we shared CS411 Assignment No 1 Solution Fall 2017.

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CS411 Assignment No 1 Solution and Discussion Spring 2018
CS411 Assignment No 1 Solution and Discussion Spring 2018

CS411 Assignment Instruction:

  • You are required to create a C# application Console using Visual Studio.

CS411 Assignment Question No 1:

You are required to create a C# Console application which will read a Text File and print it on Console screen:
  1. First the program will ask user for the file path.
  2. Next user is asked for reading the file line by line or ASCII codes of each character.
  3. After displaying the output the user will be asked if he wants to read another file or not.
  4. Same process will be done from step no 1 until user chooses to exit.
Please Note : Proper Exception handling must be done while opening and reading the files.

Output.gif has been attached with this Assignment file please observe this file carefully your program’s output must be like this output file. 

CS411 Assignment Submission Rules 

Following Files Must be submitted in a single zip or rar file.
  • C# code file 
  • A .gif file which shows working of your Application (For Recording .gif a software named Screentogif is uploaded on LMS, or you can use any other gif recording tool as well)
You are not required to submit the complete project, only copy these three files from project folder. Please note if you submit doc file you will be awarded 0 marks.

Note: If you do not submit any of the above mentioned file you will be awarded 0 Marks.

CS411 Assignment No 1 Solution Spring 2018

You can see the Sample Preview of CS411 Visual Programming Assignment No 1 Solution provided by (Virtual Study Solutions) below. Click on Download Button to Download Solution File in Your PC. Please Share it with your friends. You can also like our Facebook Page or Subscribe Us below for Updates.

CS411 Assignment Solution Sample Preview

Solution File Sample Page Preview will be added Soon with Solution File.

Assignments Solution Spring 2017
Assignments Solution Spring 2018:

CS411 Assignment Solution Download Link

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