CS702 Research Paper Fall 2016 | Virtual Study Solutions

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CS702 Research Paper Fall 2016

Here we have CS702 - Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design Academic Research Paper for Fall 2016. Due Date : Feb 08, 2017.

CS702 Academic Research Paper Instructions

As part of your course grading, you are required to submit an academic research paper during the semester. This exercise is meant to inculcate in you the research temperament and skills by carrying out a deep study of any research topic/area relevant to this course. You may choose any topic, of your interest, relevant to the course. Following are the details of academic research paper: requirements, deadlines and marks.

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CS702 Academic Research Paper Requirements:

Following are the requirements for the academic research paper:

a) Paper Length

Your paper should not be less than 6 pages and not more than 12 pages.

b) Quality of Writing

The clarity and style of expression, the degree to which your paper obeys the rules to formal academic grammar, punctuation, spelling, formatting details like paragraph indentation and location of page breaks, are part of quality of writing. Write and edit your paper carefully for good organization, clear language with good spelling, punctuation, etc.

c) Format

Your academic research paper must have these sections: Abstract, Introduction, Related Work, Analysis and Conclusion. You must have to follow IEEE format strictly. The format is available in MS-WORD format (Click here to download). No academic research paper will be accepted without mentioned format.

d) References

You must have to study published research papers (minimum 10). The references of published research papers and books are allowed. Any unauthorized materials’ references will not be acceptable.
Note: You can access Research Papers on your VULMS account using link [HEC Digital Library], Google Scholar and other online free research paper repositories.
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CS702 Submission and Deadlines

Virtual University Students are required to finalize and submit their academic research paper by February 08, 2017.

As the academic research paper carries 15% of the total course grade, therefore it must contain implementation results of the proposed research idea. Similarly, in case of a review paper the “Discussion” section must contain student’s comments/conclusions and future research agenda regarding the domain being reviewed.

CS702 Research Paper Presentation

Students will be required to give presentation (through Skype/TeamViewer/Recorded-presentation etc.) of their academic research paper, well before final-term examinations. The detailed schedule for the presentations will be communicated with the students later. The presentation accounts for 5% marks of the total course grade.

CS702 Research Paper Team

Students can do this assignment in groups but in that case their academic research paper must be of high quality justifying the efforts of all the members in the group.

Warning: Write in your own words, do not copy-paste. Plagiarism is not acceptable. In case plagiarism is found, you will be awarded zero marks. No excuse will be accepted in this regard. 

For further information and guidelines on writing a research paper, please follow the link:

Guidelines and Requirements for Writing a Research Paper

Little Book of Plagiarism

HEC Policy about plagiarism.

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