ENG101 Assignment No 1 Solution Fall 2016 | Virtual Study Solutions

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ENG101 Assignment No 1

ENG101 Assignment No 1 Solution and Discussion Due Date: Nov 14, 2016

English Comprehension (Eng101)
Assignment No.1-Fall 2016
Total Marks: 20
Lecture: 1-7

ENG101 Assignment No 1 Instructions:

  • Upload your assignments in a proper format, i.e. MS word file. Corrupt files will be awarded zero marks.
  • The assignments should be zoomed in at 100%.
  • Please avoid plagiarism; plagiarized work will be marked zero.
  • After the due date, the assignments submitted via email would not be entertained.
  • Please avoid submitting copied assignments; otherwise, such a case would be referred to the discipline committee.
  • The font color should be preferably black and font size 12 Times New Roman.

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ENG101 - Reading Comprehension Passage:

A rugged young hunter pauses after a successful deer hunt, as his dogs bark and jump around him excitedly. He stands motionless, his serious gaze turned downward and his bent leg resting on the root of a large, sawed-off tree stump. A deerskin and rifle are slung over his shoulders, and antlers dangle from one hand. His hunting skills are key to his survival because he will sell the skin and antlers. This somber scene is set in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State. The sky is gray and overcast, with just a hint of sun and blue sky shining through the clouds. The distant mountains look cold and dark, and the oranges, yellows, and golds of autumn in the nearby trees and underbrush are fading to wintry browns. The only living creatures in this lonely landscape are the huntsman and his dogs.

Winslow Homer became an artist after working as a magazine illustrator. He was a great admirer of nature and took hunting vacations in the Adirondacks with his brother for forty years. Because he wanted to capture the mood and feeling of being in nature, Homer patiently observed the natural world and recorded it as realistically as possible. When he made this painting, the unspoiled wilderness that he loved was quickly disappearing due to the spread of modern cities, railroads, and factories. In fact, it was painted just one year before the establishment of the Adirondack National Park, which helps protect millions of acres of mountainous land whose natural beauty can still be enjoyed today.

ENG101 Assignment Questions with Solution

Read the above text carefully. Recall your knowledge of reading comprehension and

Answer the given questions.

Assignment No 1 Marking Scheme: 2+2+2+2+2+3+3+4=20

ENG101 Assignment Question no. 1

What is the rugged young hunter doing in the painting?
  1. 1Preparing to go hunting
  2. Pausing after a successful deer hunt   (Correct Answer)
  3. Feeding his dogs
  4. Teaching his dogs to hunt

ENG101 Assignment Question no. 2

The first paragraph describes what is happening in the painting. What does the second paragraph describe?
  1. The person who painted the picture and the time period in which it was painted
  2. The similarities between the scenery in the painting and the scenery of the artist’s hometown
  3. The history of hunting and settlement around the Adirondack mountains (Correct Answer)
  4. The family and friends whom the artists used as models for his paintings.

ENG101 Assignment Question no. 3

The author describes the landscapes as lonely. What evidence in the painting supports this description.
  1. The antlers dangling from the young hunter’s head
  2. The dogs barking and jumping around excitedly
  3. The deerskin and rifle slung over the young hunter’s shoulders
  4. The presence of only the huntsman and his dogs in the landscap (Correct Answer)

ENG101 Assignment Question no. 4

Based on the text, what might have inspired Winslow Homer to make this painting?
  • His fascination with moderanization
  • His growing hatred for loneliness
  • The money he might receive for selling this type of painting
  • His love of the Adirondack Mountains’ wilderness and his concern for their loss (Correct Answer)

ENG101 Assignment Question no. 5

What is the main idea of this text?
  • Winslow Homer wanted to capture the mood and feeling of being in nature in his paintings
  • The unspoiled wilderness that Winslow Homer loved was quickly disappearing due to the spread of modern cities, railroads, and factories.
  • Winslow Homer made a painting depicting a somber scene set in the Adirondack mountains (Correct Answer)
  • Winslow Homer patiently observed the natural world and recorded it as realistically as possible.

ENG101 Assignment Question no. 6

Describe the young hunter in Winslow Homer’s painting.

Answer: The young hunter in the Winslow Homer’s painting is the main character who is observing and describing the scene before him. He is motionless and gazing at his dog who is excitedly jumping around him.

ENG101 Assignment Question no. 7

The text says that the painting depicts a “somber” scene. Somber means gloomy or sad. What elements of the painting create the somber feeling?

Answer: Following elements of the painting create the somber feeling:-
“The unspoiled wilderness was quickly disappearing due to the spread of modern cities, railroads, and factories.”

ENG101 Assignment Question no. 8

Create a word cloud image of the given passage and paste it in your assignment file. How does Word Cloud help to improve your skills of skimming, scanning and making inferences? Share your personal experience regarding Word Cloud. (2+2=4)
Note: You may use the following links to create the Word Cloud image.

ENG101 Question no. 8 Solution:

Word Cloud Image - ENG101 Assignment No'1

Create a word cloud image of the given passage and paste it in your assignment file.

Step by Step Solution:

  • Open the following link: https://tagul.com/
  • Create your account by signing up.
  • Create a new cloud.
  • Import text from your assignment. Copy the text of first two paragraphs and paste them on your cloud.
  • Once done with the above steps, click on "visualize".
  • This will create an image of the text.
  • Then save this image on your desktop.
  • While completing your assingment on ms word, insert this image with Question 8.

Download ENG101 Assignment Solution:

Eng101 Assignment Solution.pdf 285 KB

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