CS504 Assignment No 1 Solution Spring 2018 | Virtual Study Solutions

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CS504 Assignment No 1 Spring 2018

Dear Students, Here you can read or Download CS504 - (Software Engineering-1 ) Assignment No 1 Solution and Discussion of Semester Spring 2018. Assignment Due Date is 08 MAY, 2018. Total Marks are 20. We are here to facilitate your learning and we do not appreciate the idea of copying or replicating solutions. CS504 Assignment Solution File has been added. Previously we shared CS504 Mid Term Past Papers Collection.

CS504 Assignment No 1 Solution and Discussion Spring 2018
CS504 Assignment No 1 Solution and Discussion Spring 2018

CS504 Assignment Objectives:

  • To improve the learning ability of students.
  • To hands on experience of use case diagram.
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CS504 Assignment Instructions:

  • Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:
  • You should submit your assignment before or on due date on VULMS.
  • Your assignment should be your own work in your own words. It should not be copied from Internet, handouts or books.
  • Your Assignment must be in Microsoft Word document. Assignment in other than Microsoft Word document will not be accepted.
  • Assignment sent via Email will not be replied and accepted.
  • If the submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt, it will not be marked and hence awarded zero marks.
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CS504 Assignment Question No 1:

[Total Marks = 20]

Geo News mobile App:

GEO News Mobile Application offers its normal users to read/listen news about sports, entertainment, business, politics, an deducation etc. Geo News mobile application is accessible in urban and remote areas using internet services. A Member user can listen/read local news by enabling GPS service. Few additional services can also access by Member user including commenting on current affairs and managing his/her profile. A member user will register him/her using credentials on said mobile application. A member user can also be an analyst, reporter or an employee of institution. There is another stakeholder; Admin of this mobile application will work differently. The admin will monitor and delete fake or irrelevant news entered by member user and enter latest news. There are also full time hired reporters by news channel, which register by admin.

Question No 1 (Marks = 10)

  1. Draw use case diagram by reading the given scenario of Geo News Application by using MS Visio software.
  2. Also mention Includes, Extends and hierarchy between each use case.

CS504 Assignment Question No 2:

Question No 1 (Marks = 10)

The URL address of GEO news application is given below.


Read the giving scenario or visit the GEO news application by opening given link and after understanding the application fill up the table given below.

Identify Functional Requirement of Public News Application which you think are important and is in visited application but not defined in given scenario.
Identify Non-Functional Requirement of Public News Application which you think are important and is in visited application but not defined in given scenario.
Reason of choosing these functional or non-functional requirements.

Please Note:

Use MS Visio for draw use case diagram.

CS504 Assignment No 1 Solution Spring 2018

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CS504 Assignment Solution Sample Preview

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CS504 Assignment No 1 Solution Sample Preview Spring 2018
CS504 Assignment No 1 Solution Sample Preview Spring 2018

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