Shab e Barat Mubarak to all Students of Virtual University | Virtual Study Solutions

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Shab e Barat Mubarak to all VU Students

Shab e Barat Mubarak to all Virtual Universirty Students from Virtual Study Solutions. May Allah bless us all and forgive our sins (Ameen).
Shab e Barat Mubarak
Shab e Barat Mubarak 


Shaban is the juncture of particular blessings. In this hour Allah Ta’ala has favoured the Ummah of His last prophet (Sallalaho Alaihi Wasallam) and has inured them influence to get Blessings, Salvation again Forgiveness. There are many Hadiths about Shab-e-Barat of soothsayer (Sallalaho Alaihi Wasallam) in which he described the Virtue besides Blessings of this season. Hazrat Abu Huraira has reported seer (Sallalaho Alaihi Wasallam) saying, “Rajab is the extent of Allah Ta’ala, Shaban is my month and Ramadan is the month of my Ummah. In Shaban sins are forgiven by Allah Ta’ala and in Ramadan my people are completely purified from sins.”

The Holy augur (S.A.W) had uttered that during the nights of the 15th Shabaan, the Almighty takes decisions drag the matters of sustenance, life, grim reaper and the assistance of the people

The 15th night of Shabaan is a very blessed witching hour. According to the Hadith Shareef, the name of this Mubarak bedtime is “Nisf Shabaan” which board 15th evening of Shabaan. The reason since this special night to attain its quote of Laylat al-Bara’ah, meaning the nite of Salvation, research Freedom from Azaab and Calamity, is that monopoly this nite the Barkaat and acceptance of repentance may be accomplished. Laylat al-Baraa’ah monopoly Persian, since largely as in Urdu, is called Shab-e Bara’at.

shabrat1 Significance of Shab e Barat It is the symptomatic nite of pursuit forgiveness and repenting to awfully Allah, remembering our recent sins further sincerely settling the mind that one commit never commits sins in the future. All the deeds that are against Shari’ah must be terrifically avoided so that our Du’a again Istighfaar, hopefully, will emblematize accepted. Muslims should allow themselves and A’la Hadrat, Imam Ahmad Rida Fadil e-Bareilly (radi Allahu ta’ala anhu) has disposed a splendid caution in this regard. This revered Imam said: “Verily the auspicious night of Shab-e-Bara’a is drawing near when the deeds of the slave consign be presented to the remarkably Allah.

“On this occasion, it should be the duty of all Muslims to forgive one another and to make clear that whatever debts owed to unaccompanied another is settled. The importance of Huqooq al-Ibaad cannot be over-emphasised as this is among the pre-requisites due to proper Ibaadat. I pray that all Muslims humbly remember this nightfall and try as much as attainable to rack up Ibaadat and other pious deeds so that their register of Deeds be presented.

Shab e Barat Mubarak to all Virtual Universirty Students

Shab e Barat Mubarak to all Virtual Universirty Students

Shab e Barat Mubarak to all Virtual Universirty Students

Shab e Barat Mubarak to all Students of Virtual University

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