CS403 Assignment No 2 Spring 2017 Solution and Discussion | Virtual Study Solutions

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CS403 Assignment No 2 Spring 2017

Here You can read and Download CS403 – Database Management Systems Assignment No 02 Solution and Discussion Spring 2017.  Assignment Total Marks: 15. CS403 Assignment Due Date: 19/05/2017.

CS403 Assignment No 2 Spring 2017 Solution and Discussion
CS403 Assignment No 2 Spring 2017 Solution and Discussion
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CS403 Assignment Uploading instructions:

  • Your assignment should be in .doc /.docx format. 
  • Save your assignment with your ID (e.g. bc000000000.doc).
  • No assignment will be accepted through email.

CS403 Assignment Rules for Marking:

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
  • The assignment is submitted after due date.
  • The submitted assignment does not open, execute or file is corrupted.
  • Your assignment is copied from internet, handouts or from any other student (Strict disciplinary action will be taken in this case).
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CS403 Assignment Deadline:

Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted on or before 19th May 2017.

CS403 Assignment Question: 

(15 Marks)
A public sector hospital wants to automate its manual paper based operations to speed up the operations and facilitate its patients and staff members. For this purpose, they want to develop a database for their hospital management system to remove paper based records. Now, you are required to analyze the following scenario very carefully and draw an entity relationship diagram (ERD) for the given system by identifying entities, attributes and relationship among these entities.

A hospital consists of various specialized wards where each ward has its unique ID, name and capacity (total number of beds for patients in each ward). Multiple patients can be admitted in each ward on the recommendations of the doctor. Each doctor has a unique id, name, specialization and etc. Furthermore, a specialized team of doctors in each ward will take care of admitted patients and suggest treatment for the patients (such as medication, recommended tests, date of admission, and date of discharge). Each ward in the hospital will keep personal record of the patients such as (patient ID, patient name, CNIC, address). Along with personal record, complete treatment history of the patient will also be maintained by the system.

Please Note: Do not put any query on MDB about this assignment, if you have any query then email at cs403@vu.edu.pk

Furthermore, if any student found cheating from any other student or from online forums then he/she will be awarded ZERO right away and strict disciplinary action will be taken against the student.

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