CS408 All Mid Term Past Papers | Virtual Study Solutions

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CS408 Mid Term Past Papers

Here we have complete collection of CS408 Human Computer Interaction All Current and Past Mid Term Papers. Previously we shared CS403 Current Mid Term Paper Fall 2016.
You Can Also Download CS408 Mid Term Papers, Short Notes, Assignment Solutions, Lecture Wise Questions Answers Files, Solved MCQs, Solved Quiz ,CS408 Mid Term Subjective Papers , CS408 Mid Term Objective Papers from Virtual Study Solutions For Preparation of Mid Term Papers.

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CS408 Mid Term Past Paper Sample 1

mcqs were easy mostly from past papers
  1. The most common keyboard is Qwerty Key board, there are other keyboards as well like Alphabetic keyboard and Dvorak keyboard. In your view point, how QWERTY keyboard is different from Dvorak key board ?
  2. Being an HCI learner, comment that, what is the difference between software engineering and HCI? 
  3. In your view point, what is the role of qualitative research in context of the individual working in organization in development & success of a product? 
  4. What is most common form of alphanumeric keyboard? 
  5. define slips?

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CS408 Mid Term Past Paper Sample 2

Most mcqs were from past papers. Few were new, conceptual but easy.

Short term and long term questions:

  1. 1x long question. Interaction framework breaks the system into four main components which are the System, the User, the Input and the Output. Define all of them.
  2. 1x long question of senses and Motor processor. These are output and input for humans. Define them.
  3. 1x What does the Richer & Diverse interactions means in context of handling those computer based devices?
  4. 1x What are the basic ideas of sketchpad by Sutherland?
  5. 1x more question of regarding input and output.
  6. 1x question of Vision perception.

CS408 Mid Term Past Paper Sample 3

  1. tell us use of mouse.
  2. mention widgets which are part of WIMP.
  3. being hci student. comment abt whats the difference between software engineering and hci 
  4. suppose you have assigned a task to conduct an interview with stakeholder about product. what kind of information you will collect.
Tags: CS408, CS408 Mid Term Papers, CS408 Mid Term Past Papers, CS408 Past Papers, Current Papers, CS408 Current Mid Term Papers, VU, Virtual University solved past papers, Mid Term Papers, Virtual University.

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