CS101 Current Final term Paper 2017 | Virtual Study Solutions

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CS101 Current Final term Paper

Here we have CS101 All Current Final Term Papers Fall 2016 - 2017 & Past Final Term Papers with Download links from 25 February 2017 to 08 March 2017. You Can Also Download CS101 Solved Final Term Papers, CS101 Short Notes, CS101 Assignment Solutions, CS101 Lecture Wise Questions Answers Files, CS101 Solved MCQs, Solved Quiz , CS101 Solved Final Term Subjective Papers , CS101 Solved Final Term Objective Papers from Virtual Study Solutions For Preparation of Final Term Papers.

Download CS101 Final term Papers:

CS101 Current Final term Paper Sample - 1

Question 1 . event handlers used for loading files and exiting file.
Question 2. mark the right and wrong event handlers (on mouse over, on Mouse Over,ON Click ,ON click)
Question 3. write the result of statement: math.floor()-13.9
{ document.write .....} etc/...... 3 statements..

Question 4. heuristics for the navigation of website...( navigation on the right top end..(correct) , the web designer should change the navigation of browser (wrong) , the designer should add a search tab for the user (right).
Question 5. write the professions which are eliminated due to the computing..

CS101 Current Final term Paper Sample - 2

1. Network Typologies
2. Difference b/w static web and web
3. JavaScript program
var x=10;

4 write the output of the following program
5 How to tackle with error
6 Protocol which can manipulate ...

Also Read: ENG101 Final Term Past Papers Collection

CS101 Current Final term Paper Sample - 3

1.What is DBMS and write name of 2 DBMS.
2.how you can say the ing recognition is a part of AI system
3.which one will be the responsible of technology selection and high level designs
4.write down the responsibilities of Team Lead.
5.Write down the modes of VoIP.
6.Which type of integrity a bank will use to secure his data.
7.A university has different campuses with device it will use to connect all campuses in LAN or WAN

Also Read: MGT101 All Past Final Term Papers

CS101 Current Final term Paper Sample - 4

1:Write 4 important modes of VoIP .
2:Name of protocol that is used to upload/ Download File to / from remote computer .
3:Write JavaScript Code to declare an Array named as" array Name" which holds 5 value. What will be the first and Last index of Array Elements.
4:Write 2 popular Methods of Reviewing program?
5:Inst_Name = " Virtual University of Pakistan" .... You have to display Just " Virtual University " use string method to do this.

Tags: Cs101, CS101 Final term Papers, cs101 final term past paper, CS101 Final Term Past Paper Collection, CS101 Current Final term Paper, Final Term Paper 2017, solved final term past papers.

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Current Final term Paper had 40 MCQs And 12 descriptive questions with 2, 3 and 5 marks.

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