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CS001 Mid Term Past Paper

Here You can free download CS001 Computer Proficiency Mid Term Current Paper of Fall 2016 And Mid Term Past Papers 2017.

Download CS001 Mid Term Past Papers
CS001 Mid Term Past Papers

Download CS001 Past Mid Term Past Paper

You can download CS001 - Computer Proficiency Mid term Past Paper file from the download link given below:

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Recommended : CS001 Mid Term Past Paper Spring 2010

CS001 Mid Term Paper Question 1 

There are three types of data found in a spreadsheet.
  • Data, words, numbers
  • Equations, data, numbers
  • Words, numbers, labels
  • Numbers, formulas, labels

CS001 Mid Term Paper Question 2 

A Constant is another name for this type of data:
  • Number
  • Equations
  • Formula
  • Description

CS001 Mid Term Paper Question 3

Which is an absolute address?
  • $C$4
  • 10700-105 Ave.
  • C4
  • None of these

CS001 Mid Term Paper Question 4

What Program do you use to create a spreadsheet?
  • Word
  • Excel
  • Access
  • PowerPoint

CS001 Mid Term Paper Question 5

Which Button on the standard toolbar gives you quick access to the Sum, Average, Count, Min and Max functions?
  • AutoSume
  • Insert Function
  • Auto Fill
  • Paste
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CS001 Mid Term Paper Question 6

What do you use to create a chart?
  • Chart Wizard
  • Pie Wizard
  • Excel Wizard
  • Data Wizard

CS001 Mid Term Paper Question 7

Which Type of chart shows the pattern or relationships between sets of data points?
  • Line
  • Pie
  • Area
  • XY (scatter)

CS001 Mid Term Paper Question 8

On an Excel sheet the active cell in indicated by ------?
  • A dark wide border
  • A dotted border
  • A blinking border
  • All of these

CS001 Mid Term Paper Question 9

A user wishes to remove a spreadsheet from a workbook. Which is the correct sequence of events that will do this?
  • Do to FILE - SAVE AS – SAVE AS TYPE – Excel. Work sheet
  • Right click on the spreadsheet tab and select DELETE
  • Right click on the spreadsheet and select INSERT – ENTIRE COLUMN
  • None of these

CS001 Mid Term Paper Question 10

The Word Wide Web (WWW) is….
  • A part off the Internet
  • The Internet
  • Not a part of internet
  • ALL of these

CS001 Mid Term Paper Question 11

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is….
  • The same as search engines
  • The addresses of specific documents and resources on the WWW
  • Never more that 11 characters long
  • All of these

CS001 Mid Term Paper Question 12

The-----standard defines how data transmits across telephone lines or other means.
  • TCO/IP
  • EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
  • Electronic funds transfer (EFT)
  • Ethernet

CS001 Mid Term Paper Question 13

A (n) ------line typically costs $1,000 or more per month.
  • ISDN
  • T3
  • ATM
  • T1

CS001 Mid Term Paper Question 14

A----------is a Web site that uses encryption techniques to secure its data.
  • Digital certificate
  • Secure HTTP (S-HTTP)
  • Wallet program
  • Secure site

CS001 Mid Term Paper Question 15

The process of converting readable data into unreadable characters to prevent unauthorized use is called----------,
  • Normalization
  • Decryption
  • Validation
  • Encryption
Tags: CS001, CS001 Midterm past papers, CS001 midterm solved papers, CS001 Current Mid term Paper, download mid term past papers, VU, Virtual University


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