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PAK301- Pakistan Studies (Session - 1)
Total Questions = 40 (objective + Subjective)

Question No: 1
When the powers of the president were increased under the Constitution of 1973?
► In, 1973
► In, 1977
► In, 1985
► In, 1988

Question No: 2
What was the status of the Constitution of 1973 from1977-1985?
► Operational after changes
► Operational
► Operational with amendments
► Suspended

Question No: 3
When did the Second Basic Principles Committee present its final report?
► In September, 1952
► In December, 1952
► In August, 1952
► In April, 1952

Question No: 4
Which one of the following clarifies the scope of power, relationship among various institutions within the government and society?
► Constituent Assembly
► Constitution
► National Assembl
► Senate

Question No: 5
How many seats were captured by Pakistan Peoples Party in the general elections of 1970?
► 81 seats
► 160 seats
► 162 seats
► 138 seats

Question No: 6
How many seats were captured by Awami League in the general elections of 1970?
► 81 seats
► 160 seats
► 162 seats
► 138 seats

Question No: 7
Which constitutional document is proved to be the ‘foundation’ of the constitutional developments in Pakistan?
► The Constitution of 1956
► The Constitution of 1962
► The Constitution of 1973
► The Objectives Resolution 1949

Question No: 8
Which Act was introduced at the time of Pakistan's establishment?
► Interim constitution of Pakistan
► Indian Independence Act of 1947
► Government of India Act, 1935
► The Objectives Resolution

Question No: 9
“The Constitution had 234 articles and 6 schedules in which the whole constitutional framework and principles for governance and power management have been outlined”.
This text belongs to which constitution?
► The Constitution of 1956
► The Constitution of 1962
► The Constitution of 1973
► The Objectives Resolution

Question No: 10
When did Ayub Khan abrogate the Constitution of 1956?
► 8th June, 1958
► 14th August, 1958
► 23rd March, 1958
► 7th October, 1958

Question No: 11
What is the minimum age of the president of Pakistan according to the Constitution of 1956?
► 45 years
► 40 years
► 50 years
► 35 years

Question No: 12
When did Industrial Development Bank establish in Pakistan?
► 1970
► 1950
► 1949
► 1961

Question No: 13
When did Chaudhry Rehmat Ali establish Pakistan National Movement?
► In, 1933
► In, 1940
► In, 1948
► In, 1951
Question No: 14
When did Iqbal present his famous Allahabad Address?
► December 30, 1930
► November 30, 1930
► October 30, 1930
► September 30, 1930

Question No: 15
In which of his writings Iqbal talked about the Indian unity and the differences among the Muslims and the Hindus?
► Baange-e-Dara
► Zaboor-e-Ajam
► Nala-i-Yatim
► Jawab-e-Shikwa

Question No: 16
What was the factor which undermined the civilian governments installed during 1988 to 1996?
► The military interference in politics
► Most of these were coalition governments
► External pressure of super powers
► Pursuance of ulterior motives by leaders

Question No: 17
Who became the Interim Prime Minister of Pakistan minister in 1990?
► Dr, Moeen Qureshi
► Meer Balkh Sher Mazari
► Malik Meraj Khalid
► Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi

Question No: 18
When did Zia’s military government hold presidential referendum in Pakistan?
► In 1983
► In 1979
► In 1984
► In 1985

Question No: 19
Which mineral resource is used in chemical industry?
► Iron Ore
► Chromites
► Sulphur
► Gypsum

Question No: 20
Which mineral resource is used for the production of steel?
► Iron Ore
► Chromites
► Sulphur
► Gypsum

You Should Also Read:

Question No: 21
What is the total length of Pakistan’s coastal area?
► 600 miles
► 450 miles
► 1600 miles
► 1200 miles

Question No: 22
In which year the province of Sind was created?
► In 1901
► In 1935
► In 1970
► In1954

Question No: 23
Why did Quaid-i-Azam launch “Direct Action Day” on August 16, 1946?
► To protest against breach of pledge by Viceroy F.M Lord Wavell
► To oppose the Congress policies
► To get support from the masses for party membership
► To curb the upsurge of the National Muslims

Question No: 24
In which year the mosque in KANPUR was demolished?
► In 1911
► In 1913
► In 1916
► In 1908

Question No: 25
In which year Quad-e-Azam joined Muslim League?
► In 1906
► In 1913
► In 1920
► In 1908

Question No: 26
What does the abbreviation OIC stand for?
► Organization of Intelligence Community
► Organization of Islamic Countries
► Organization of International Community
► Organization of Islamic Conference

Question No: 27
When did the rule of East India Company come into end in the British India?
► In 1857
► In 1858
► In 1947
► In 1948

Question No: 28
In which city the Second OIC conference 1974 was held?
► Cairo
► Makah
► Rabat
► Lahore

Question No: 29
Which state’s head was the very first to visit Pakistan?
► Libya
► Saudi Arabia
► Afghanistan
► Iran

Question No: 30
Sovereignty, state survival, territorial integrity, military security arrangements, bilateral and multilateral relations, all are the features of_________
► International Relations
► World Politics
► Foreign Policy
► Diplomacy

Question No: 31
Make clear International Relations as a field of Studies?

Question No: 32
Who was Justice Shahabuddine?

Question No: 33
Very shortly describe Pakistan's Literacy Rate?

Question No: 34
How do you see Pakistan’s Surroundings Geographically?

Question No: 35
Draw attention to the Criticism on the 2nd Basic Principles Committee Report 1952?

Question No: 36
Very shortly describe Distance Education in Pakistan
Question No: 37
What are the main problems that Pakistan Agriculture Sector is facing?

Question No: 38 Describe the Background of the Constitution of 1962?

Question No: 39
What were the main constitutional issues which Pakistan had to face at the beginning?

Question No: 40 
Write down a Comprehensive note on Pakistan’s Natural Resources.

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