CS201 GDB Solution
Dear Students Topic of CS201 introduction to programming GDB is as under:A security agency wants to develop an application that will manage its employees. Application will store employee’s personal information, deputation as security agents, expenses and job rotation along with their past experience in security agencies.
Security agency also wants to get / store NADRA verification of employees by using Verisys. Company wants that no other application can access their (employees) information except what they want to show to their users but on the other hand only get NADRA verification.
If you are deployed as software design engineer to design this application, what would be your approach to follow in programming paradigm i.e. Structures Programming or Object Oriented Programming?
Choose only one option of programming paradigm and also 3 reasons to choose the option (Keeping in view the scenario provided above). A sample of answer is provided below;
CS201 GDB Programming paradigm: ___________________________
CS201 GDB Reasons:
1: ____________________
2: ____________________
3: ____________________
- Copied comments / answers from any source will be awarded zero marks.
2: ____________________
3: ____________________
CS201 GDB Important Notes:
- NO GDB is accepted via e-mail in either case
- Lengthy replies of GDB will cause in deduction of marks
CS201 GDB Instructions:
- GDB would be available for submission for 2 days that are 18/02/2016 and 19/02/2016 (Thursday - Friday).- Copied comments / answers from any source will be awarded zero marks.
You should aslo read about:
CS201 GDB Solution
Programming paradigm: Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
CS201 GDB Reasons:
- OOP provides Abstraction. Abstraction is "To represent the essential feature without representing the back ground details."
- OOP provides Encapsulation. Wrapping up data member and method together into a single unit (i.e. Class) is called Encapsulation.
- OOP provides inheritance. When a class acquires the property of another class is known as inheritance.
- Inheritance is process of object reusability.
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