CS201 Assignment # 1 For Fall 2015 Solution | Virtual Study Solutions

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CS201 Assignment #1 For Fall 2015 Solution and Discussion Due date 22-05-2015.
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Assignment No. 01
Semester: Spring 2015
CS201: Introduction to Programming

Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment.
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

  • The assignment is submitted after due date.
  • The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
  • Assignment is copied(partial or full) from any source (websites, forums, students, etc)


The objective of this assignment is to provide an on hand experience of:
  • Learn to code, edit, compile and execute C++ program.
  • Learn to use arithmetic operators in C++ program.
  • Learn to take input from user and display the results.
  • Learn to make power point presentation file with audio narration.


  • Code should properly be indented and well commented.
  • Follow C/C++ naming conventions while using variables etc.

Assignment Description:

In this assignment, you are required a write a simple C++ program which will input two numbers and display sum on output screen. First number shall be your ID first two digits and second number shall be the next two digits of your ID. Sample output is given below. You shall use your own VU-ID where dummy ID is used in screen shot.


Enter first number as first two digits of your ID

Solution Output:

Display your VU-ID here
Enter second number as next two digits of your ID


You are required to submit your solution as a presentation in power point file throughLMS. A template file is attached. You need to use provided “Solution-Template.ppt” file for your presentation.
Prepare presentation slides in following way.
  1. In first slide enter your name, VU-ID and MS Office version that you used as given in template.
  2. In second slide show your solution code and record audio narration which will explain your solution code step by step. You need to give very brief explanation for each line of code. While recording audio narration, don’t forget to speak your name and VU-ID in the beginning. 
  3. Take screen shot your solution output screen and paste in third slide. In this slide you have to explain the procedure of compilation, execution and functionality of your program with audio narration.

Guidelines for Recording Audio Narration:

You have to make a presentation file with audio narration to explain your solution code and output.
The guidelines about how you will attempt your solution are given below.
  1. You have to give solution on the template that is attached with assignment file.
  2. Record your presentation using the method given in demo video file attached with assignment. If you are using Office 2003 then watch “Audio Narration Recording Office 2003” video and for Office 2007 use “Audio Narration Recording Office 2007” video file.  
  3. The total time for audio recording should not exceed 5 minutes.
  4. Double check your recorded narration is working fine and voice is clear for listening before submission. For this purpose you can run your presentation on multiple computers.
  5. If your audio is not properly recorded, audio is not clear or submitted file is corrupt then you will receive zero marks.
Solution submitted in MS Word, CPP, PDF, Image or any other format will not acceptable.
Solution submitted through email will also not acceptable.  

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